On the evening of Friday 3rd May 2019 the awards ceremony and exhibition opening of the collection “Joyful Architecture“ by the German organization architekurbild.ev took place in the renowned Deutsche Architektur Museum in Frankfurt.
The Jury
Reiner Nagel, Chairman of the Executive Board of the Bundesstiftung Baukultur, Potsdam (Chairman of the Jury)
Andrea Jürges, Deputy Director German Architecture Museum (DAM), Frankfurt
Rüdiger Flöge, Member of the Board of architekturbild e.v., Ludwigsburg
Andrea Wiegelmann Architect, publicist, publisher Triest Verlag, Zurich
Julia Bargholz, Professor Jade University of Applied Sciences, Oldenburg
Andreas Langen, the arge lola, Stuttgart
Thomas Schirmböck, Director Zephyr – Space for Photography, Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, Mannheim
After a press event in the afternoon the award ceremony was held in the auditorium of the museum with all prize winners. It was a big honor to be among all these interesting photographers. Everybody did a short speech about their work, the process and their intentions. There is a wide variety of photographic work included in the exhibition. From a very deliberate and thoughtful approaches to a rather spontaneous and more random process many different working styles were presented. All the images really help to get a broader understanding of the present state of modern architectural photography. I honestly admit that to a certain point I was a bit disappointed about some entries which really seemed too arbitrary and not very thoughtful. Of course a personal opinion that was obviously received differently by the jury. The concept of the award is, that the entry is completely anonymous which will of course eliminate any subjective decisions. As only very little information about the series is given by the photographer the interpretation of the images solely lies in the observation of the jurors. They have done an incredible job and chose very wisely in most of the cases.
The exhibition JOYFUL ARCHITECTURE will run until September 1st 2019 and you can find more information online on the website of the DAM (Deutsches Architektur Museum Frankfurt)
Here is a photograph with all the photographers
Photographer Fritz Philipp